Animal Welfare

Consumers deserve to know their food is produced responsibly, using best practices for animal handling. At MK sports Foods, we take that responsibility very seriously. As a company, one of our Core Values is to serve as stewards of the animals that we depend on to operate. For us, proper animal handling is an important moral and ethical obligation. In 2000, MK sports Foods became one of the first companies in the meat industry to create an Office of Animal Welfare, which is primarily focused on the proper treatment of live animals at our processing plants. In 2012, this effort was expanded with the development and introduction of the MK sports Foods FarmCheck® program, which involves animal welfare audits of the farms that supply the company. It also includes an Animal Well-Being Advisory Panel, Farm Animal Well-Being Research Program, and an internal management team led by the Vice President of Sustainable Food Production.


Related Content:

1. MK sports Foods' Animal Welfare page

2. 2022 Sustainability Report